
The Emerald-Bowl is a Blood Bowl tournament held in Leipzig, Germany. 


Blood Bowl is Games Workshop’s game of fantasy football and will be played in the ressurection format as an NAF sanctioned event. 

All information and rules for the tournament can be found here on our website. 

How to register

Registration will end on  December 31st 2025

Please send an E-Mail to [email protected]

with the following details:
- A team name 
- The two players' NAF-Names und NAF-Numbers 

The tournament fee is 30 € per player. (60€ per team). U18 players will get a 5 € discound.  

We’ll provide you with more payment details after the registration. 

Unfortunately refunds cannot be offered due to the financial planning involved in running a event of this kind independently. If a team member drops out, you should hopefully be able to replace him or her with another willing participant. If you have any difficulty finding a replacement team member please contact us. 


Find a list of all the registered teams an players here:


Rules in English (2026) - not final!

v 1.0

The Emerald bowl is a NAF Tournament, the tournament will be played with the "Rules for NAF Tournaments" 


These are: 



There'll be a new Designers Commentary in November 2024. We'll include this in our rules. If there are new NAF Tournament Rules by the end of November we'll also include them in our ruleset. If not, we'll play this tournament with the NAF Tournament Rules 2024.

The tournament will be held as a Tag Team Tournament with two players per team. 

The two coaches of each Tag Team must use a different races from the available options. Each race is categorized in tiers, listed below. The Sum of Tiers must be a minimum of 3 and for higher Sum of Tiers there will be a bonus as described below. 


If there are less than 10 Tag Teams registered for this tournament, the tournament will held as a single player tournament. In this case it will be possible for everyone to change races and rosters and the boni for Sum of Tiers will be cancelled. 


The Emerald Bowl is a “Resurrection” tournament i.e. all players and skills return to their starting status after each game regardless of injuries or any other post match changes. 

Each coach competes against one another in six rounds of Blood Bowl. All miniatures must be painted. If you additional players, they have to be painted, too.

Roster building

1 150 000 gold coins can be spend on Roster building. Roster bulding comprises everything except buying skills.


  • 0-8 Team Re-Rolls
  • 0-6 Assistant coaches
  • 0-12 Cheerleader
  • 0-1 Apothecary
  • 0-9 Dedicated Fans

Permitted inducements are: 

  • 0-1 Halfling Master Chef 
  • 0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs 
  • 0-3 Bribes 
  • 0-2 Wandering Apothecaries 
  • 0-1 Motuary Assistent 
  • 0-1 Plaguedoctor 
  • 0-1 Riotous Rookies 
  • 0-2 Custom Starplayers (only for Tier 5 as listed below) 

Custom Starplayers are only available for Tier 5 and cannot gain any additional skills. 

If Riotous Rookies are hired, then roll separately before each match and ensure you have identifiable painted miniatures for the extra journeymen. 

All other inducements are not permitted. 

Additional Gold Coins 

Additional gold coins can be used to increase the budget for roster creation and/or to purchase skills. Only one additional skill per player is allowed. Stat upgrades or random skills are not allowed. Choose your Tag Team races first and then determine your final budget. 

Tier 1

100 000 Gold (primary skills only)
Dark Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Orcs, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Wood Elves 

Tier 2

110 000 Gold (primary skills only)
Amazons, Humans, Imperial Nobility, Necromantic Horrors, Norse, Underworld Denizens

Tier 3

120 000 Gold ( 1x secondary skill allowed)
Black Orks, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Dwarves (2024 NEW), Elfen Union,  Gnomes, High Elves, Old World Alliance, Slann, Tomb Kings,  Vampires

Tier 4

130 000 Gold ( 1x secondary skill allowed)
Chaos Renegades, Khorne, Nurgle

Tier 5 (Stunty)

150 000 Gold ( 3x secondary skill allowed) 

Goblins, Halflings, Ogres, Snotlings

Team bonuses

The following additional gold coins are for the whole "Tag Team". Both players may distribute the gold coins as they please, but each coach must spend some of them.

Sum of Tiers 2 → not allowed

Sum of Tiers 3 → 0 000 gold coins

Sum of Tiers 4 → 25 000 gold coins
Sum of Tiers 5 → 35 000
gold coins 

Sum of Tiers 6 → 40 000 gold coins 

Sum of Tiers 7 → 50 000 gold coins 

Sum of Tiers 8 → 60 000 gold coins 

Sum of Tiers 9 → 70 000 gold coins 

Sum of Tiers 10 → 90 000 gold coins 

Skill cost:

 Primary Skill: 20 000 gold coins
 Secondary Skill: 30 000 gold coins 


Please send your team lists to [email protected] until  31.12.2024

Emerald-Bowl Starplayer

The following custom starplayers are happy to perform on the Emerald-Bowl. But they will only join Tier 5 teams.

gold coins  | Name  | MA  | ST  | AG  | PA  | AV  | Skills  | plays for

80k  | Akhorne Rice  | 7  | 1  | 2+  | -  | 6+  | Claws, Dauntless, Dodge, Frenzy, Jump Up, Loner (4+), No Hands, Sidestep, Stunty, Titchy  |  Goblins, Halflings, Ogres, Snotlings

80k  | Barik Dyer  | 6  | 3  | 4+  | 3+  | 9+  | Cannoneer, Hail Mary Pass, Loner (4+)*, Pass, Secret Weapon*, Sure Hands, Thick Skull  |  Halflings,Ogres

80k  | Atwood the Loon  | 4  | 7  | 3+  | -  | 8+  | Ball & Chain*, Loner (4+)*, Mighty Blow (+1), No Hands*, Secret Weapon*, Stunty  |  Goblins, Ogres, Snotlings
120k  | Nobbla Lake  | 6  | 3  | 3+  | -  | 9+  |  Block, Chainsaw, Dodge, Loner (4+), Secret Weapon, Stunty |  Goblins, Ogres, Snotlings 

130k  | Scrappa Whateley  | 7  | 2  | 3+  | 5+  | 8+  |  Dirty Player (+1), Dodge, Loner (4+), Pogo Stick, Right Stuff, Sprint, Stunty, Sure Feet |  Goblins, Ogres, Snotlings 

140k  | Helmut Wilmarth  | 6  | 3  | 3+  | -  | 9+  | Chainsaw, Loner (4+), Pro, Secret Weapon, Stand Firm  | Goblins, Halblinge, Oger und Snotlinge

170k  | Gedney Rustgouger  | 5  | 7  | 4+  | -  | 10+  | Ball & Chain*, Loner (4+)*, Mighty Blow (+1), No Hands*, Prehensile Tail, Secret Weapon  | Goblins, Snotlings

170k  | Danforth Sheepskin  | 6  | 3  | 3+  | -  | 8+  | Block, Horns, Juggernaut, Loner (4+), No Hands, Tackle, Thick Skull  | Halflings,Ogres

170k  | Thorsson Pabodie  | 6  | 3  | 4+  | 3+  | 8+  | Block, Drunkard, Loner (4+)*, Thick Skull  |  Halflings,Ogres 

195k  | Glart Morgan  | 5  | 4  | 4+  | -  | 9+  | Block, Claws, Grab, Juggernaut, Loner (4+), Stand Firm  |  Goblins, Snotlings 

200k  | Wentworth Ironjaw  | 5  | 4  | 3+  | -  | 9+  | Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Loner (4+), Multiple Block, Thick Skull  |  Halflings,Ogres 

210k  | Karla Armitage  | 6  | 4  | 3+  | 4+  | 9+  | Block, Dauntless, Dodge, Jump Up, Loner (4+) |  Halflings, (no Ogres )

210k  | Alhazred, The Mad Dwarf | 5  | 3  | 3+  | 4+  | 10+  | Block, Dauntless, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Thick Skull |  Halflings, Ogres 

220k  | Mighty Castro  | 4  | 5  | 4+  | 6+  | 10+  | Block, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1) |  Halflings, Ogres 

Additional  informations:

Too many players set up by accident:

In case one coach has accidently set up too many players after the Kick-Off event, the number of additional players plus one will be removed from the pitch. These players will be randomly chosen and put into the reserves. 
No turnover is caused.


Only block casualties count towards the casualty evaluation (including Ball & Chain). Other casualties do not count.

If a player concedes a game, the result will be at least 2:0 TD und 3:0 CAS for the opponent.

Score System

Team rating

Win (per team): 0.5 Points

Tie (per team): 0.25 Point

Loss (per team):  0 Points

Meaning, 4.5 points is the maximum each round per "Tag Team" 

Tiebreaker: Sum of individual  + teampoints -> Direct Comparison (after round 6) -> Opponent Score -> Net TD -> Net casualties  

Singleplayer rating

Win: 2 Points

Tie: 1 Point

Loss:  0 Points

Tiebreaker: Sum of individual points -> Direct Comparison -> Opponent Score ->  Net TD -> Net casualties  

Cthulhus Gifts

Round 1

Disciples of the Idh-yaa have slipped in with the spectators. One of them carries an old leatherbound book. From time to time he reads some passages. Which seem to be about how Idh-yaa and Cthulhu mated. 
Goaded by these words, some of the disciples begin to go insane. Every once in a while, one of them rips off his robes and runs onto the pitch only to be brought back to reality by a player’s fist.

At the beginning of each of his turns the active player rolls a D16 and adds +1 if he has more fans than his opponent. 
If the result is a 15 or 16 a naked streaker runs onto the pitch. The active player chooses one of his standing players to wrestle the streaker. The player is placed prone, but can be activated as normal. 

Round 2

On the arrival at the stadium in Innsmouth one of the players got a big scratch on an arm or leg. The limb shrinked but got more muscular. 

The Tag Team decides which of their players get one of the following skill packages. 

  • One player gets "Strength -1" and "Dauntless"
  • One player gets "Movement -1" and "Sprint"

One coach cannot take both packages. Players with "Loner" or one of the following skills are not eligible  to take one of the skill packages. A player's strength cannot fall below 1.

Round 3

In this round the pitch is covered with a 'Fungi from Yuggoth'

The first player of each team suffering a casuality and not regenerated or healed with an apothecary rolls a die. On a 4+ the player is moved in the KO Box and gains the skill "Really Stupid" for the rest of this game. 

The first player of each teams who is Knocked Out and not healed with an apothecary rolls a die. On a 4+ the player is placed in the reserve box and gains the skill "Bonehead" for the rest of this game. 

Round 4

The fourth round will be held on the Mountain Yaddith-Gho. Cthulhus desciples tried to level the field the best they could, but they did not dare to remove the statues.

Before the fans are determined, both coaches choose a square in the opponents half that is minimum one square away from the Line of Scrimmage. On these squares statues remain. 

The squares cannot be entered (as occupied by a player), not be moved ( 

compare to 'Stand Firm'), nor be blocked ('Foul Appearance' always works), and the ball always scatters (compare to "No Hands"). 

Round 5

In this round some players earned the disgrace of the God Yig and are partially turned into snakes.

The Tag Team decides which of their players get one of the following skill packages. 

  • One player gets "Foul Appearance" and "Really Stupid"
  • One player gets "Disturbing Presence" and "Loner 4+"

One coach cannot take both packages. Players with "Loner" or one of the following skills are not eligible  to take one of the skill packages. 

Round 6

The final. 
The great Cthulhu is watching. A massive silhoutte on the horizon lets the clouds quiver.

The rount will be played in perfect conditions, no Kick-off event table is used.